Etsy Shop: “Treasury-ed”

Oh, Young Designer, Etsy Shop, Treasury, Texture, Business CardOh, Young Designer, Etsy Shop, Treasury, Texture, Business Card

Hello friends! I have exciting news! My business card design has been put into a “Treasury” via Etsy’s curators. It sits in the “Textured Treasury.” I think it’s pretty fun that Etsy handpicks certain items and collects them into similar groups. I’m hoping it will get my name out there a little bit.

So far, my experience with opening a store on Etsy has been super interesting and far from what I had expected. I have received a lot of custom orders – people requesting changes or updates or personalization to designs I already have out there. I expected to just see a couple of purchases and downloads once in a while but I have actually communicated with quite a few different people, all with different ideas in mind. Etsy is a great way for any freelancer to get their name out there and although there is a lot of competition to the custom designs game, I have still received quite a few purchases and custom orders.

Clarity: On Demand Business Advice

Wouldn’t it be awesome if you could call Mark Cuban up and chit chat about business and get some of his expert advice?

Oh wait, you can.

If you haven’t heard of it, Clarity is a new platform allowing you to connect to some of the world’s best leaders in the business community from business, marketing, start-ups, investing, and more. You simply search an expert, area of interest, topic, or location choose the expert you want to call on the phone, schedule an appointment, and pay the rate after you’ve talked. Seriously, how cool is that?! I can’t get over it.

Top experts, like Mark Cuban, have rates around $166/min. The normal going rate is around $3/min.

I discovered this crazy awesome service through Paul Jarvis (who I highly recommend following via email, blog, and twitter). He may be offering his services soon so if you like what you read from his stuff, give him a call via Clarity.


Top 3 Favorite Color Palette Resource Go-Tos

Below are my top 3 favorite websites for exploring the vast world of colors and color combinations. These are my go-tos. Enjoy.

peacock tones

Design Seeds

Jessica started Design Seeds as a unique angle at blogging based on her passion for color. If you haven’t nosed your way around the color palette hemisphere on the world wide web, you must check out her site. I always stop by the site and take a peek when I’m stumped with a color palette, branding, or inspirational challenge. You can even search for the RGB #s if you have them for a particular color and explore the connected palette options.



Has anyone seen their TV commercials lately? How adorable are they?! Their site is pretty fab too and you can “Find & Explore Colors.” Shop by different collections like “The Jazz Age” (see photo above), paint swatch groups like “Rustic Refined“, and don’t forget about the ridiculously gorgeous interior and exterior home photography (drool).

Adobe Kuler

Wanna play? Get ready. Kuler is an outstanding color wheel tool to help you find the right color grouping you are looking for. The glider bars let you slide a particular color and the adjacent bars move in connection with it. It finds the perfect analogous, monochromatic, triad, complementary, compound or shades based on the color bar you have moved along the color wheel. If anything, it’s a boredom buster. Go try it.

How to make an iPhone wallpaper design

Something I have never done before and something I wanted to learn how to do:

How to make an iPhone wallpaper design (super simple, Photoshop skills required.)

1. Open Photoshop

2. Create a new document 320 px wide x 480 px high at 72 dpi

3. Add your photo, text or design and save it as a .jpg

Done. Easy.


In honor of my first ever iPhone wallpaper design, you can download the above design for FREE here.

Remember to follow my blog, email updates, or twitter handle. Much love.